What is the rat race?

Posted by Elsie Correia on


It is a competitive way of life with a struggle for wealth and power.

Lily Tomlin wisely said, "The trouble with the rat race is that even if you win, you're still a rat." 

We find that we spread ourselves too thinly to the extent that we become tasteless. The struggle to live a balanced life often leaves us neglecting our health. Herewith a few tips for maintaining balance in our lives.

For more information follow the link: http://bit.ly/38OuL5r

  1. Maintain a schedule and set boundaries. Schedule your day to block out time on your calendar for your personal life.
  2. Give up some control and empower your team by delegating tasks to them.
  3. Be yourself and never compromise values and principles.

Message elsie@lekkerrooibos.com for tips to improve your health and reduce your stress.


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